my idea differently that what they really are.
Firstly, I feel inhibited writing long posts, which would be the only way I might be able to get my points across accurately.
As briefly as possible, I will try to flesh out my basic attitudes as they relate to America's desperate political situation.
1. I liked the original poster's idea that a political party should address the needs of the working class. I am most definitely not "squeamish" about the term "working class". However, considering the extreme prejudices that have been created among Americans by media propaganda for several decades, I was suggesting to the poster that he broaden his focus to include the best interest of the vast majority of Americans, of which the working class is definitely the largest group among them. The mantras of Soviet Communism were loaded with "long live the workers", etc. Not that anything is wrong with that per se. I felt that a political party in America doesn't stand much chance if right off the bat, they are seeming to parrot the slogans of Communism or Socialism.
2. I believe that Countries that adopted Communism failed to achieve the goals the Marx talked about and that the failures were due to the fact that they insufficiently addressed the natural psychological and emotional needs of humans. I'm not prepared to debate that point further. If you disagree that's OK with me.
3. I'm not sure whether or not I coined the term "Democratic Capitalism" or I may have heard it somewhere. Anyway, what I intended to convey was a political system that was (a) democratic, meaning a government for ALL of the people, not just a privileged few and (b) Capitalism because I don't think that using capital to produce what humans need for that to be profitable for the owners of the business is a bad thing. It has turned out very badly world-wide because as wealth was acquired, there were no countervailing forces to stop the mis-aggregation of wealth from getting out of control.
In so far as you dismissed my previous post as being a "muddle", I tried briefly to make my points. And now, I've tried to further explain. If it's still a muddle, I would advise you to block all posts by me so as to not waste any more of your time. But, you might be excluding someone from your experiences who is actually an ally who seems to have hit you "hot button".