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Total Cost of Wars Since 2001, Current Military $965 billion.

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Independem Donating Member (160 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-11 02:00 PM
Original message
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001, Current Military $965 billion.
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001, Current Military $965 billion.

• Military Personnel $129 billion
• Operation & Maint. $241 billion
• Procurement $143 billion
• Research & Dev. $79 billion
• Construction $15 billion
• Family Housing $3 billion
• DoD misc. $4 billion
• Retired Pay $70 billion
• DoE nuclear weapons $17 billion
• NASA (50%) $9 billion
• International Security $9 billion
• Homeland Secur. (military) $35 billion
• State Dept. (partial) $6 billion
• other military (non-DoD) $5 billion

• “Global War on Terror” $200 billion

Why you see stories on Sarah Palin and Glen Beck is a diversion to keep your mind off of real news like people dieing in two wars bankrupting are country while a few get rich from military contracts and any other thing they can think of to rob us blind.

War News, None available see Glen Beck or Sarah Palin for all your irrelevant news, white wash on going.

Network TV , Time Devoted to Iraq War 2003-2008, in minutes
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MrMickeysMom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-11 02:04 PM
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1. 1st to recommend...
This IS the story with undeniable evidence.

All the news-talk crap Sunday shows never seems to account that these wars started by Bush/Cheney were OFF THE BOOKS
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Independem Donating Member (160 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-11 02:53 PM
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2. A citizens guide to understanding corporate media propaganda techniques
A citizens guide to understanding corporate media propaganda techniques

Note: This guide is being routinely updated and improved to incorporate reader feedback. We would like to thank George Orwell for numerous contributions. We would also like to thank people inside the corporate media for contributions.

Framing the debate, programming the viewers attitudes, distraction, group think, guided Interpretation for the reader or viewer, fluff and ice cream cones, artificial reality, direct programming, special interest ads posing as news stories, the big lie technique, omission, volume and coordination, humanization and de humanization or personalization and de personalization, friendly fire, historical revision, winning the viewer, emphasis and repetition, shills, gatekeepers, repeating a lie, telling the truth, fogging an issue, vilification and character assassination, keep only team players, embedded editorial views in news stories, lies as truth, deciding who is sane on behalf of the viewer or reader, etc……….

I remember back when the news was just 15 Min long with 1-2 commercials, now you have a orchestrated agenda to form a opinion from political party to whom you hate today.

At one point we had people in the media you could trust giving them the benefit of the doubt is just naive at this point.

Oil Co. that want favorable news will spend millions or even keep news stories from being in the head lines.

At some point they will no longer care about public opinion because they will have so much power to buy elections rather than have voters count in any significance.
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