Rep. Issa's Career Has Been Driven By Greed And A Desire For Power
In 1980, after leaving active military duty,
bought into Quantum Enterprises, which had previously manufactured CB radio parts. When the CB market began dying, the company resorted to developing gadgets, such as a potato peeler, but it suffered what Issa described as "incredible losses."
Lobbying firm hosts party for Issa PAC
The Dutko Group reports lobbying on behalf of about 120 companies, including more than a dozen pharmaceutical and health care firms, as well as municipalities and other groups.
Among the top industries to give to Issa’s PAC are casinos, defense electronics and pharmaceuticals, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which collects and analyzes federal campaign data. Individual members of American Indian tribes, including the Pechanga Band of Indians, have contributed a total of $25,000.
Other top donors—who gave $10,000 each—are the PACs of companies including AT&T, Microsoft, Corp., the National Association of Convenience Stores, the National Rural Letter Carriers Association, defense contracting giants SAIC Inc. and Raytheon Co and financial consulting firm Deloitte & Touche.
Issa is worth $300 Million, a man of the people, the people of Corperate America and Defense Contracts.