"Worldwide demand for oil is projected to climb 47% between 2003 and 2030, largely driven by economic expansion and continued demand for the fuel in developing countries like China and India, according to an international energy outlook released Tuesday by the U.S. Energy Department."
The EIA's projection for the price of oil and increased supply are laughable, but they have it right when the project the biggest growth in the demand for oil will come from the rapidly growing economies of China and India. Of course, this isn't exactly hard to see coming.
as the article you referenced said OPEC is "not paying any attention to production discipline" ... meaning they are not holding production steady but increasing production which does not cause the price to go UP but DOWN.
..."OPEC kept its production target at 24.845 million barrels a day at its meeting yesterday.
Output from the 11 members bound by quotas exceeds the group’s ceiling by 1.9 million barrels a day, or about the same as produced by Nigeria or Angola, according to Bloomberg estimates. "
...or more meaningfully 1.9 million barrels /day exceeds the target by 7.7% ... definitely NOT how to drive prices up. Despite OPEC countries increase in production the price is still going up.
Of course, in the short run the speculators have a big impact. But speculators act on their anticipation of the balance between supply and demand. They obviously are anticipating price increases. The secular trend which everyone expects to continue is for higher prices from now on with no end in sight.
That's why unless people embrace meeting some of the oil demand with biofuels we are headed for more recession - 2012 and on (hopefully not in 2011). This means meagre growth rates and pathetic job creation numbers for the foreseeable future. By using biofuels to supply some of our gasoline needs we could mitigate the price increases for oil and perhaps avoid another recession.
But, I don't see this happening. Biofuel (i.e. ethanol) is the work of the devil, dontcha know?