Let’s just get this out of the way before the new year is all backed up with highly consequential events of much greater urgency: Hugh Hefner is repulsive.
There. I feel guilty already violating a resolution to be less snarky and judgmental in 2011. But while on a sugar high as I vow to diet, I might as well take another bite: Hugh Hefner is reptilian and should never be looked upon as a role model for anything except how not to grow old.
I don’t mind if an octogenarian sits around all day in his jammies while waiting for his meds to kick in. Nursing homes are full of such people, most of them far more productive than Hefner.
Nor do I care that Hefner is still trying to shape the legacy of his pathetic Playboy brand — weird, plastic-bodied women who giggle at non sequiturs from aging paramours in hygienically challenged hot tubs.
What bothers me about Hefner — and this is a visceral reaction, nothing I’ve fully intellectualized, mind you — is that some people think it’s cute, and even kind of cool that an 84-year-old man just announced his engagement to a 24-year-old Playmate. The media response has been fawning, bordering on cloy, and cries out for a rebuttal.
Follow the link to read the whole article. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/06/last-call-at-the-bunny-roundup/?hp