Edited on Mon Jan-10-11 08:43 PM by JohnWxy
and a Shame upon America if Congress doesn't do something to take a stand against Hate-speech in the place of meaningful debate of issues. The GOP just admit they have no ideas when they spew out verbal assaults on those who are just trying to serve their country and solve our problems, confront the hard issues we face rather than do nothing but ignore them. Attacking people trying to come up with solutions to our problems cannot be tolerated. It must at least be identified formally as destructive behavior.
REally, everybody must call and email congress that something has to be done about this. It WILL happen again if nothing is done. (nancy pelosi should be given a 24 hr security detail right now. NOBODY has been more vilified by the Corporate Lobbyists than Pelosi. Pelosi is the GOP's chief 'JEW'.)
THe M$M have played no small part in this. They repeat GOP Big-Lies as if they are reality. On PBS's NewsHOur, Judy whatsername said to Elizabeth Warren: "you're such a polarizing figure" .....oh really? Who says Warren is polarizing...Wall Street BAnksters, the GOP? She's polarizing because she's trying to do the right thing for PEOPLE. And IF WE HAD HAD A CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION AGENCY ACTUALLY REGULATING MORTGAGE LENDERS ..... IN THE BUSH REGIME WE MIGHT NOT HAVE HAD A CREDIT DISASTER!
When Rahm Emmanuel on the Newshour reminded people that looking at Obama's performance on the economy one has to consider that he started out with the greatest economic catastrophe since the Great Depression, Jim Lehrer said: "Does that still work, blaming the Bush administration...(for Obama's performance on the economy)" as if the greatest economic disaster since the Great Depression wasn't a factor to be considered!!!!
M$M continually follows the GOP's talkiing points in terms of framing every issue being discussed. THis helps to confuse people. This is why disinformation works..especially when you have Corporate Media helping give it verisimilitude.
People have got to call, email and criticize the M$M for this.