- Here's a factoid you might not know -- D.C. has the most cyber-criminals per capita: 116 for every 100,000 people...The Internet Crime Complaint Center's 2009 Internet Crime Report ranks Maryland 19th (29.72 perpetrators per 100,000) and Virginia 28th (24.12 perpetrators per 100,000).
IC3, a joint effort of the National White Collar Crime Center and FBI, says Nevada and Washington hold the No. 2 and No. 3 spots.
Cyber-crimes are so common victims often neglect to report them. But the number of complaints to IC3 jumped more than 22 percent IN 2009 to 336,655. The amount of money victims lost more than doubled to nearly $560,000 from $265,000 in 2008.
Non-delivery of goods or services is the most common crime, accounting for 1 in 5 complaints. Identity theft was next at 14 percent, followed by credit/debit card fraud and auction fraud. Each of those accounts for 10 percent.
The most costly crimes involved investment fraud, with $3,200 as the median dollar loss...MORE