If you read the article that was written up two years ago, it states a man walking around with guns who doesn't identify himself at this rally. But to see the photo of this guy and all his guns makes you wonder why he was not escorted off the premises? Police indicate on that day- no arrests....
" Army reservist Lt. Corey Harris, 33, of Peoria, said he just returned from Iraq eight days ago.
He said he has experienced first-hand the ability of the government to help administer health care.
"As someone who has been involved in the VA system, I've seen the great job government can do in getting involved in health care," Harris said. "Everyone deserves health care."
I'm wondering, how many of these angry and or armed folks are corporate sponsored agitators who get pumped up by the Koch brother's money.
I'm also wondering how much money Koch has poured into Alaska's spokeswomen Sarah Palin's bank accounts? The Koch brothers were able to create a lot of chaos during John Kerry's presidential race with their swift boat ads....
The Koch family provided funding to the tea movement.
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