ADLNew York, NY, January 11, 2011 … A series of messages written by Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner reveal a person with a generic distrust of the government and a vague interest in conspiracy theories, according to an analysis of his online writings by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The writings, often disjointed and rambling, offer a window into the mindset of Loughner in the months and weeks leading up to the January 8 shooting rampage in Tucson, in which U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was critically wounded and six people, including a federal judge and congressional staffer, were killed.
Using the screen name "Erad3," Loughner, 22, returned repeatedly to certain topics, including grammar, literacy and "logic," his distrust of the government and dislike of religion, according to ADL. The writings appeared on the conspiracy-oriented Web site "Above Top Secret," a forum dealing with conspiracy theories, which includes anti-government extremists in its membership.
"While there is still much we don't know about Loughner, his online footprint offers one window into his mindset in the months leading up to the killings," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "The writings that have come to light so far suggest someone who probably was not associated with any extremist group or movement, but who has a generic distrust of government and a vague interest in conspiracy theories."
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Distrust of Government: Loughner stated that he couldn't trust the "current government" because of "fabrications." In the Erad3 postings, one consistent anti-government topic broached was the notion of NASA faking spaceflights. In one of his videos, titled "My Final Thoughts," he briefly proclaimed: "No! I won't pay debt with a currency that's not backed by gold or silver." This is clearly a reference to a concept prevalent in the anti-government and right-wing "Patriot" movement that only gold and silver, not paper money, is valid currency.
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Fox News continues to insist that Loughner did not sound like a Glenn Beck wannabe, but ADL has done some great work in reviewing his online postings.