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How the GOP will deal with Sarah Palin

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dtotire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-11 08:52 AM
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How the GOP will deal with Sarah Palin
How the GOP will deal with Sarah Palin
By Rob Kezelis

Plucked from obscurity in the middle of a presidential campaign, encased in new clothes, beloved by thousands, and given a ghost writer so a journalism major could bless America’s coffee tables with her wit and wisdumb.

Finding that the responsibility of holding office was too much for her, she decided to quit midterm, and promote what came naturally. Herself. She was packaged, sold and resold, measured by the armey of Koch, and honored with money and free access to the media, unlike anyone before her. Some of this was by accident, most of it was by design. In other words, the GOP has invested a lot in Sarah.

In some ways, the most unpleasant ones, to be sure, Sarah reminds us of a character in one of Sir Douglas Adams’ comical books, Zaphod Beeblebrox:

Only six people in the entire galaxy understood the principle on which the Galaxy was governed, and they knew that once Zaphod had announced his intention to run as president it was more or less a fait accompli:

* Only six people in the Galaxy knew that the job of Galactic President was not to wield power but to attract attention away from it.

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Jackpine Radical Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-11 09:00 AM
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1. Yes, exactly, and that's what has always scared me about the woman.
That, and the belief that the combination of big money and big media ((the latter being the tool of the former) can "create consensus" for just about any cockamamie notion they might want to implant in the collective mind of the American public.
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lapfog_1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-11 09:17 AM
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2. Yeah, but Zaphod was a cool and froody dude and
Edited on Thu Jan-13-11 09:20 AM by lapfog_1
Sarah is... not.

Both of them are two faced (helps that Zaphod was two headed).
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