January 13, 2011 05:00 PM
Don't Go Away Mad, Sarah. Just Go Away.
By Susie Madrak
http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/dont-go-away-mad-sarah-just-go-awayI admit, Sarah, I've had even more trouble taking you seriously ever since Matt Taibbi in "Griftopia" absolutely nailed your persona as that of a Piedmont Airways flight attendant, only without the polyester neck scarf. I keep picturing you leaning in and asking, "Would you like a beverage?" with that sort of professional "warmth."
But you're not that benign -- and clearly, you don't see your job as that of serving. You're narcissistic, and reckless. You'll say or do almost anything to get a wave of emotion (and validation) out of your followers. You feed on both the adoration -- and the attacks.
Now, I realize that someone sat you down after the unhappy intersection of your "bullseye" map and the shootings in Tucson and explained to you that you had to make a public statement. But of course you insisted that ultimately, it would still be about you.
And that's how your "statement" turned out to be an extended exercise in self-defense. ("Blood" libel, Sarah? Really? You as Christian martyr?) You're whiny, and vindictive. Because you think small, Sarah. You are small.