Contrary to what you have heard from the mainstream media, the "tone" of political discourse had absolutely nothing to do with the Tucson Massacre.
Discussing the "tone" of the political landscape, today, is putting the horse ahead of the cart.
It was the psychology of modern conservative philosophy that put a bullet into the back of Gabby Gifford's head, my friends - not the "tone" of our political speech.
Conservatives are blaming anything and everything for the Tucson Massacre except for modern-day conservatism, which preaches that liberals and democrats are the enemies of America and a bona fide threat to the nation's very existence.
I'll repeat that last paragraph for added emphasis:
Conservatives are blaming anything and everything for the Tucson Massacre except for modern-day conservatism, which preaches that liberals and democrats are the enemies of America and a bona fide threat to the nation's very existence.
And it is that same fallacious conservative belief that liberals will destroy America that is setting the "tone" of our current political discourse - not the other way around.
And as long as that is the case, as long as modern American conservatism puts forth the precept that liberals and democrats are the enemies of America and a bona fide threat to the nation's very existence, the bodies will continue to pile up.
Only the most naive of political observers could ever fail to see the obvious consequences of proclaiming that any group of Americans was a "threat" to their existence or the existence of the nation and not realize that different people would deal with that "threat" in different ways.
Furthermore, discussing the ''tone'' of today's political discourse merely leads into the false moral equivalency argument about how "both sides do it."
Pretending that liberals are shooting conservatives (when they are emphatically not) directly plays into the false conservative mind-set that liberals are a threat to conservatives, which is precisely why conservatives are, in fact, killing liberals, in the first place!
(Anyone needing a list of victims of conservative terrorism can just ask me - I've got one handy.)
Therefore, we must reach the conclusion that even discussing the ''tone'' of current plitical discourse reinforces, in today's conservative psyche, that liberals are out to get them.
It is the conservative belief that liberals are a threat that HAS to be dispelled, and that will not happen by RE-INFORCING conservative fallacies.
When conservative leaders finally stand up and tell their more fanatical followers that liberals will not destroy America, that democrats are not out to "get" republicans, the murders of innocent liberal democrats will come to an end.
But not until then.
Del Wasso,
Rockford Coffee Party Coordinator,
Rockford, Illinois,
on the web @,and on facebook @