THey have it fixed so you can't copy the transcript over at NBC News, so I can't cut and paste but Boehner said: "In my opinion, Obamacare is the biggest job killer we have in the United States today.."
Now, Williams could have said: "Well, Mr. Bohner, according to research by the">The New America Foundation, a centrist organization, “There is vastly stronger justification for the claim that it will create jobs than that it will eliminate them.”, and">Mathematica Policy Research Inc. estimated repealing health care would increase preventable deaths by 44,500 annually due to loss of insurance coverage and as you should be aware Mr. Bohner, increased illness leading to death means more lost work due to sick days taken and this cuts into productivity
which doesn't help economic growth which would impact job creation negatively. What do you say to that Mr. Bohner?"
... but this wouldn't be Corporate M$M then would it? We wouldn't want to make Mr. Boner uncomfortable, would we?