The destruction of world empires have important events that trigger the final results. In the case of the American Empire that marked its apex following World War Two the climactic event was the Vietnam War and the events that flowed from it.
The linchpin of destruction was launched by a military-industrial complex initiative carried out by what is now termed the New World Order. Then Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who worked closely with the CIA in the critical period shortly after World War Two when America stood at its highest military and economic peaks, wrote later about the creation of a secret team.
The ambitious game plan of a new Secret Team was to set into motion actions precipitating war that would generate economic profits for the military-industrial complex.
Mindful of the fact, made crystal clear by President Harry Truman's unleashing of the atomic bomb against Japan, that nuclear warfare would signal the end of humanity as we know it, the Secret Team sought to engineer conflicts that would provide huge enrichment to the military-industrial complex without escalating to the level of nuclear warfare.