">Smart Remarks:
Now, Olbermann has the well-publicized tiff with MSNBC, when he was suspended for those campaign donations.
Nevermind the fact that half the staff at Fox News are candidates or will be candidates for public offices themselves. No, what Olbermann did was deemed a cardinal sin - but I also wondered if there was more too it than all that.
And indeed, I wonder to what extent that tiff had to do with the impending Comcast deal.
Comcast is occasionally accused of either discriminating against Democrats or conspiring against conservatives. I suspect actually they conspire against those who might impede their profitability and ability to expand their interests.
Conservatives are generally not going to stand against that sort of thing. Liberals - if they’ve got their heads screwed on straight - will.
Which is to say that maybe Olbermann gave more contributions to Democratic politicians. Maybe there’s something personal about it. Maybe Comcast has its own reasons for wanting him gone.
Or maybe he’s simply a casualty of the new civility, as the AP sort of alludes to:
He was particularly critical of Fox News Channel and his direct competitor, Bill O’Reilly, frequently naming him his “Worst Person in the World” in a segment popular with his fans. Bosses at NBC had discussed trying to keep the tone of the vitriol down.
Emphasis added.
Olbermann will land on his feet. I’ve never been a huge fan - I’ve never actually watched a whole show - but he has a following, and he helped prove that there’s a market for strident liberalism just as there has been a market for strident conservatism. Not as big a one, not by a long shot; and perhaps MSNBC/Comcast simply wants to “move to the middle.”
After all, that’s what a profitable organization and an organization bent on remaining profitable would do, right?