Slashdot"Imperva blogged today about the sale of compromised .gov, .mil, and .edu sites, illustrating that cyber criminals are getting bolder. Krebs on Security has an unredacted view of the site list."
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The most galling part of this news is that the RIAA and both US political parties are prying into Americans communications and destroying peoples financial livelihoods for sharing songs or movies. So if I share a song I lose a $100,000 lawsuit thanks to the governments 1998 DMCA that was written by the RIAA but never read by the politicians that voted for it. Then the government forces me to pay it off for the rest of my life and forget about ever working for the government to pay it off now I have a record but if I work for the government and leave public property wide open to criminals worst case I might lose my job and have to go find another one. And then the recent news of lawsuits using the 1998 DMCA against legitimate security researchers who published PS3 vulnerabilities. How are people supposed to find out if their hardware or software has gaping security holes if it is illegal for white hat hackers to practice their profession? Remember how the Sony root kit was discovered? The typical response by both government and corporation is to attack the messenger/researcher (Zack Anderson, RJ Ryan, Alessandro Chiesa, Jason Chen, David House, Moxie Marlinspike, Jacob Applebaum, Julian Assange). What was the real purpose for COICA?
So private citizens are supposed to rely on corporations and government to keep us safe and not to investigate vulnerabilities and when problems like this do occur they receive little media coverage are we not to wonder which interest media is protecting?
Thanks for continuing to support the RIAA lawsuits and the DMCA. Joe I guess we are all terrorists.