January 23, 2011 09:00 AM
The Media should ignore Michelle Bachmann's SOTU cry for attention speech Tuesday, but they won't
By John Amato
http://crooksandliars.com/john-amato/media-should-ignore-michelle-bachmann-0Tea Party favorite and one of the leaders of the lunatic fringe, Michelle Bachmann is going to give her own response to President Obama's SOTU Tuesday night after Paul Ryan gives the GOP's sanctioned rebuttal. She'll be streaming it on the Tea Party Express website.
The media should completely ignore this "beg for attention" from another craven narcissistic wingnut Tuesday night because it sets a new precedent. If the media does cover her inappropriate exercise ( I expect FOX News to give her plenty of airtime because they can never have enough free market propaganda filling our airwaves) then it will open up the flood gates for any politician to try to get a ton of publicity when it's not earned. Remember, the right wing can never say anything too controversial for the media and can make shit up whenever they please.
As Rick Perlstein pointed out in
possibly the best post of 2010: We live in a mendocracy. As in: rule by liars.