That is only one example of the close ties woven between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, when they were prime ministers, and Cameron now, and the Murdoch camp – the private meetings and dinners, the calls (no hacking there) and the mutual interest. We once used to think of the establishment as being cabinet ministers, archbishops, BBC panjandrums, leaders of industry and royalty. No longer. It's the links between the government and the Murdoch empire that count today – a shadowy influence-mart.
Interesting. Murdoch's power in so many countries has always puzzled me. Despite how Fox went after Clinton eg, I remember being shocked to find out that Murdoch had thrown a party for Hillary.
An interesting comment following the article says that Murdoch's Empire is a 'CIA Creation'.
His despicable employees, Beck, Hannity et al, seem to have some kind of protection that progressives do not have.
I don't know if that comment is based on kind of proof they have over there in Britain, but for someone as sleazy as Murdoch to have gained the kind of media control over so many countries is certainly odd. His media 'empire' has been a blight on this country and apparently Britain. Not to mention that he is all over the world pushing the Global Corporate message.
What self respecting Global Enterprise wouldn't have their own propaganda machine operating in every country where they do business?
Wikileaks claims to have dirt on Murdoch and his Empire. I wonder is this could be what they meant? Murdoch is a Global Propaganda machine supported by the Financial and Intelligence agencies ~
It sure would explain a lot that seemed hard to explain, that's for sure.