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Keith Olbermann Leaves MSNBC (A Few Great Moments Against Dominonism)

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-24-11 03:10 PM
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Keith Olbermann Leaves MSNBC (A Few Great Moments Against Dominonism)
Today, I recoiled in fright as I read that Keith Olbermann had been terminated before his contract was finished. The NY Post, ever acting their character, called him a "Gasbag" on his way out of the eyes, but not minds, of his many liberal fans. It's important to remember in regards to the dominionist agenda, that Keith has been a persistent, intelligent, and critical voice against theocracy, though at times, perhaps, oblivious or silenced as to its true magnitude. It is important for those of us who are familiar with the broader goals of the Kingdom Theology adherents to at least question what role this plays in pursuing dominance.

Keith left his mark on 21st century cable news in a way only overshadowed by the keen intellect and biting questions of the late Tim Russert. Unafraid to speak vehemently against the forces of the Republican Party, Olbermann, with his verbose and stern comments, undoubtedly left wounds in Republican politicians and pundits whose rhetoric often falls to plebeian quality when compared to Olbermann's poetic, allusive, historical, professorial, and venomous candor. In an era where what is termed "elitism" is shunned and scorned, and the "simple" is uplifted, perhaps it was Keith's intellectualism that spelled his downfall from the increasingly sensationalist and incoherent blather that passes for visual news media in this era.
I am reminded all too ominously of the Spiritual Mappers' fantasized demon opponent, "The Prince of Greece." This demon has been stated by the New Apostolic Reformation to control Europe and be the source of "rationalism and humanism." With Keith's removal from television, and Russert's recent death, I cannot but help feel this "demon" has been cast out from television news. Though certainly those of us who pursue the written word as sources for our news know that Keith is not the sole source of rational thought and humanistic viewpoints within the vast media complex, he was an important strategic outflow point for these ideologies is cable news. And, Keith was everything we could want in an ideological figurehead: masculine, intelligent, humorous, and able to form complete sentences without stuttering. He persona was the antithesis of the Conservatives' straw man for liberals: he was masculine, stern, commanding, and dominating. In short (no pun intended), he was everything that Alan Colmes is not.

Regardless of the yet to be learned reasons for his split with MSNBC, it is important to note that Keith was one of the few pundits on television news with the courage to approach the tangled, dangerous, and apocalyptic webs of right wing theology, that role now solely falling to the interesting and intelligent, but less authoritative, Rachel Maddow. Yes, fellow anti-dominionists, with Keith's loss, we have lost our alpha male.

In memory of Keith's ability to rightfully criticize the dangers of right wing theology, I have selected a few videos of Keith's best moments concerning Palin and the dominionist agenda:

1> Olbermann blasts Pat Robertson for stating Haiti made a pact with the devil to rebel against French Slave Masters.

"We have lost our alpha male"

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MineralMan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-24-11 03:30 PM
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1. Please spell check your title.
Good post.
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Ninga Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-24-11 03:40 PM
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2. This is a good article because it helps to crystallize the true nature of Keith's advocacy.
Truth telling.

Alpha male truth telling with a hefty dose of courage.

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