Edited on Wed Jan-26-11 05:40 PM by theFrankFactor
This is partially in reference to a YouTube video linking Glenn Beck with inciting gun violence and specifically shooting people in the head. This is a term Beck has used more than a few times and is in my opinion far worse than name calling or the use of profanity-something I am guilty of.
If you are expecting me to devote the main topic of this to proving Beck is calling for “shooting people in the head” that is not what this is about. In my opinion this is easily resolved. I am an Internet blogger with a tiny fraction of the reach and exposure of Glenn Beck and since beginning this little endeavor in 2007, I have never nor would I ever use rhetoric like that because it is not worth using under any circumstance except in reporting the details of a news event, and to do so, as Mr. Beck has, shows a blatant disregard for using free speech responsibly. In my estimation Mr. Beck is irresponsible not only in this regard but in ways equally or even more irresponsible and dangerous.
Mr. Beck uses the term “shoot in the head” irresponsibly and, doing so with a group like the radical right TEA Party movement, a movement that frequently and proudly brings weapons to political events, and looks to Beck as as kind of Prophet of the Airwaves, is a recipe for disaster. But as I said, as bad or more so is the entire thrust of Mr. Becks crusade.
He is engaged in a fear mongering campaign glazed over with a phony self-deprecation act that is intended to obscure his vile and paranoiac subtext. A subtext that is also dangerous, damaging, disingenuous and irresponsible.
He proceeds, without impediment by his employers, to weave irresponsible tails of a Communist take over occurring in the United States by an apparent radical Communist movement that is being co-opted by the Democratic party apparatus at its highest levels.
Beck asserts that establishment Democrats have enlisted Communist radicals to aid them in achieving what apparently is a less radical agenda but that those establishment Democrats will be attacked by those same Communist radicals when they fail to deliver fully on their Communist Revolutionary agenda.
This is a clever set up and one that I almost can’t believe Mr. Beck is capable of. But examining mantra of the Progressive-equals-Communist, Mr. Beck weaves truth with hysteria in much the same way as Alex Jones.
He frequently keeps swastikas in view and uses Leni Riefenstahl style presentations on his show. He titillates with tales of the baby killing Progressives straining at the bit to enact forced abortions, eugenics programs, the confiscation of private property, guns and the end of freedom and the American way. He seems to pour through wikipedia or conservapedia entries for all of the worst possible associations he can weave into his Liberals cum Progressives cum Communists cum Fascist Gospel. For him Obama is a Communist who hates white people and is bent on destroying America and that his disciples should be armed and ready for the Communist melt down.
As I said, there are thin strains of truth in his self-aggrandizing exploitation of fear and paranoia. One need only look up Margret Sanger and pour over the history of the Progressive movement to find policies and views that are abhorrent but, as Mr Beck stresses in his rebuttal to the “shoot them in the head video”, context matters.To assert that today's Progressives, Liberals and Democrats are hell bent on destroying America and installing a Soviet style government with the additions of forced abortions and eugenics is frankly, among the sane and sober... insane!
There is much more to the Progressive movement, and it has nothing to do with Communism. What it does have to do with is stepping on the toes of the people that pay Beck and shills millions to keep the government from protecting the public from predatory corporate exploitation. Becks agenda is tied into Libertarian and laissez-faire market strategies. Both of which believe that markets are beyond the need for oversight by the People through what he and his disciples view as, the evil American government. Progressives don’t hate the American government the way the new Republican party and its corporately funded TEA Party radicals do.
Beck is invested in destroying the Progressive movement not because of eugenics, mass baby killings and the destruction of Freedom by Communism, but because he and his fellow corporate propagandists are highly paid to destroy the power of people to vote and be heard. Especially when it goes against the aggrandizement of corporate power and for the use of public funds for public wishes like Health Care that is not profit driven by the denial of care, and can not bankrupt families, popular social safety nets like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He must destroy the sensible use of government to help American citizens. And by citizens I mean actual people. Not multinational conglomerates wielding trillions of dollars to buy politicians and policy.
To Beck, the Murdoch media monster, and all those invested in running rough shod over individuals in their pursuit of profit above people, the Progressive agenda must not be seen as one that helps prevent the decimation of the middle class, protects workers rights and working conditions, and worst of all - sees Americans all as members of the same family. A family that pulls together by many ways, not the least of which is pooling resources through public governance and representative taxation.
These are things the corporate media is invested in choking off. These are things that might curtail unregulated exploitation of America and the world’s resources, that might hold polluters accountable, hold reckless Wall Street gamblers responsible and take necessary and appropriate actions to prevent future damages.
I want to make it abundantly clear, the Democratic party is facing a backlash but not because it will fail satisfying the invisible phantom of Communism that Glenn Beck sees in his delusions. But because it has failed Democrats and it has failed all of the people that invested in Democrats in 2006 and in Barack Obama for the Presidency. It is being uncovered as the scam that it is. A phony foil to the Right that pretends to be fighting back at corporate power but just can’t seem to make any meaningful headway.
Mr. Beck has already created the framework that any such backlash must be understood as- a Communist revolt. The Progressives, Democrats, Liberals, anyone left of center is being dutifully marginalized and attacked by those invested in their destruction. This is not about Communism versus Americanism. It is about the expansion of corporate power and the exploitation and marginalization of what was once seen as a vital part of the American family, the middle class. And as for the poor? You are lower than low on the agenda of either party and will, if things go according to the corporatist plans, be joined by millions more fellow Americans.
You have to ask yourself, do you believe there is a powerful Communist movement afoot bent on making the United States over in the image of the USSR or do you think powerful corporations are invested in keeping you from impeding their continued and advanced exploitation of you, America and the World? Do you truly believe Corporations are People? Do you truly believe a Union should be considered a Person? Do you truly believe this ruling by the Supreme Court is protecting your freedom?