Iraq spells bad Bush campaign news,0,7189608,print.column?coll=ny-viewpoints-headlinesJames Klurfeld
June 24, 2004
Unfortunately for President George W. Bush, that is happening with Iraq. Bush gambled on the basic proposition that he could make positive progress in the war on terrorism by invading Iraq. The evidence coming in day after day is that the war in Iraq has made the war against terrorism more difficult, not less. And it doesn't take a foreign policy expert to figure that out.
Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney can argue all they want that there was a link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida going back to before Sept. 11. But this much is not in dispute and the American people know it: Al-Qaida is operating big-time now in Iraq, and the American invasion of Iraq has inspired more people to go over to its cause than ever.
The Bush administration can claim all it wants that there are a lot of good things happening now in Iraq and that if they did make a major mistake, it was in not anticipating that the insurgency would be as strong as it is. That's what Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz told Congress Tuesday. Overall, he said, the United States is on the right track and things will work out eventually.
Bush still has tens of millions of dollars for campaign commercials to try to change the impression. It might not be money well spent. Jimmy Carter's was seen as a failed presidency months before the election and, while the polls continued to show a close election, he lost in a landslide. A lot will happen between now and Election Day. But I wouldn't want to be in Bush's position.