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Senator Kerry 1992: His Report to the CFR about the BCCI-scandal

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Dirk39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 08:21 PM
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Senator Kerry 1992: His Report to the CFR about the BCCI-scandal
Edited on Thu Jun-24-04 08:24 PM by Dirk39
Hello from Germany!
I was just reading a book, published 1998 in Germany, and was surprised to find so many quotations from Kerry. The author of this book, written in 1998 praised Kerry for his courage and integrity.

I just have a few questions and would appreciate it, if some people here could explain to me, what the BCCI-scandal was about. I know, they are here at DU!

What was the triggering moment for this scandal?

What was the reason for Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown to write the report?
Here's the whole report:

The author of the german book, Andreas von Bülow, was a Former German Minister for Research and Technology in the cabinet of former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, and was for 25 years a SPD member of the German parliament. And he was a member of the german government controll commission for the german equivalent of the CIA.

Bülow is attacked a lot here in Germany and has become a kind of person-non-gratia, 'cause he's convinced that the CIA was involved in the WTC attacks.

But I don't want to disuss this here, I would just be thankfull, if someone could inform me about the background of this scandal and how important it was for the American public, compared to Watergate or Iran-Contra?

Thanx in Advance,

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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 08:27 PM
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1. Read the short version here

Basically, it was a multinational banking Ponzi scheme that featured the Bush family and the Saudis as prominent players. When it collapsed, it took several countries with it into a mssive debt crisis. That Kerry took them on nearly singlehandedly is a testimony to his bravery.

We need Kerry. He's faced down the Bush crime family before. Perhaps this time he will put them all in prison.

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