CHENEY: CHEAP THUG by Larry S. Rolirad
I watched Dick Cheney being interviewed concerning what he 'allegedly' said on the floor of the Senate to Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy. Each time Cheney was asked a question he danced all around the truth, as if the truth was a ticking bomb. First, Cheney said he couldn't recall what he said. Then, after several attempts to get to the truth by the interviewer, Cheney finally admitted to using the 'F' word. Cheney went on to say that he even felt "proud of saying it". He said it made him feel good. But Cheney then said the 'F' word wasn't in his normal vocabulary. Yeah right Dick.
The way Cheney danced all around the truth revealed that he is just the same damned liar that I knew him to be before this latest offensive spectacle. In another interview by Fox, Cheney said "He (Senator Leahy) had challenged my integrity and I didn't like that." How could Senator Leahy challenge something that Cheney doesn't have, and that's "integrity"?
At first, Cheney said he couldn't remember what he said and then he said he was proud of what he said. How could he be proud about something if he couldn't even remember what he said just a moment before? Cheney's truth avoidance system was in high gear...or for him, the same gear he always drives in.
I can't understand how republicans can believe Cheney, Bush and the rest of the GOP bottomfeeders in this administration. I wonder just how stupid republicans must be to be such easy dupes to their leaders' blatant lies. Can't they see through the constant barrage of lies that spew forth from Dick and George's mouths? Have republicans lost the ability to be able to tell a lie from the truth? Apparently so, at least for their fellow republicans, that is.
Although I have written the absolute truth in the above paragraphs, "truth" doesn't seem to matter to republicans. They won't hold Cheney accountable for his obvious attempt to lie his way out of saying a very vulgar word to a distinguished democratic senator. Republicans will react to my criticism of Cheney and Bush in their typical fashion. They will automatically start attacking President Clinton, Hillary, or Al Gore. They will even blame them for Cheney using the 'F' word. Then they will attack me. They will accuse me of using the 'F' word all the time. They will call me a hypocrite, or any of their usual words like 'liberal', 'communist', 'traitor', or some other mindless rant.
After republicans finish attacking me they will even attack and blame Senator Leahy, the object of Cheney's foul-mouthed tirade. They will even praise Cheney for being a "man's man", or being "macho" for using the 'F' word. But these reactions are not uncommon. This is how republicans react to anyone telling the truth about one of their 'leaders'.
Republicans are incapable of accepting responsibility, or being accountable. They will twist and turn in every direction other than the direction toward the truth. What makes this even more amazing is that republicans constantly claim that they are the 'party of responsibility' or the 'party of accountability'. How can they possibly make such claims when none of their leaders embrace responsibility or accountability? Since it was obvious during the interview that Cheney was stringing one lie after another over a trivial matter, how can republicans, or anyone, believe Cheney on matters that are far more serious, like the lies Cheney and Bush told to the American people and the United Nations to justify going to war against Iraq?
OK republicans, you can now begin responding to my article in your typical fashion, as I just described above. I have heard it all before, ad nauseum. And as Diogenes walked the streets of ancient Athens looking for an honest man, I feel certain that not one republican will step forward to condemn Cheney for his uncouth behavior, or worse, Cheney's attempted cover-up of what he said.
Lastly, I watched the Fox channel to see what their reaction would be to Cheney's crude behavior. Everyone on Fox defended Cheney or brushed it off as a non-event. Some even praised Cheney. Can anyone imagine what Fox, or any republican, would say if Senator Hillary Clinton had told Cheney "Go F..k Yourself!"?. Can anyone imagine what republicans would say if Senator Kerry told Cheney to "Go F..k Yourself!"? Republicans are amazing. They are incapable of accepting responsibility. Oh yeah, I am sure that a republican will respond and say that Kerry used the F word. Yes, he did, but he was not talking to a republican. He just said that "Bush F..ked Up". And remember that Kerry didn't use that word on the floor of the senate like Cheney did. So much for republicans being accountable for their actions.