Fever Dreams of Dirty Thugsby digby
"The wingnut version of the Wisconsin protests. All the dirty hippies are befouling the public square again:"
People who have been following the demonstrations closely reported that Madison was a chaotic scene. “The place is under siege by union thugs, rent-a-mobs, and high schools kids let out of school because the teachers have abandoned their posts,” explained The New American magazine’s Ann Shibler, who has received continuous updates on the protest as it developed from sources within the Capitol.
“That beautiful and recently restored building has been trashed. Bands of thugs are roaming the halls, blockading restrooms, stairwells, and elevators,” she said. “They scream and yell, bang drums, and run around with clenched fists, banging on the windows and doors of the locked legislators' offices.”
She also said students were being used for political purposes and that “thugs” had been bussed in from Illinois. “Keep in mind the majority of these thugs are teachers, who are teaching impressionable children,” she said, noting that Gov. Walker should have called in the National Guard already to prevent the “teachers’ union mobocracy” from overrunning the capitol. “I would also fire every teacher that abandoned their post over this across the state.”
Lots more. I can't begin to do Digby's video images essay and retrospective on the digustingly foul conduct of the tea baggers (spitting on Congressmen, stomping a woman's head at a rally and so much more) the proper justice here.
See it all:
http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/As she so very rightly says: "So let's just say that Teabaggers now calling for the smelling salts after their recent foray into protest politics is more than a little bit much."