Every true politics fan (at least every politics fan who used to be a sports-crazed little boy) dreams of a draft.
The college drafts in basketball and football are irresistible to fans because they proffer hope that your hapless team can instantly become a winner with one brilliant selection. So with politics.
But the true fan of politics doesn’t care about which team has a draft. In politics, a fan is different than a partisan. And all fans of politics want to see a successful draft just once in our lifetimes. We know it will never happen. We know it’s deeply uncool to admit that’s what we want. It’s our dirty little secret. One of them at least.
We all know the Democrats are in deep, deep trouble in ’04. So they should draft someone fresh and at least make the election year interesting and fun for the fans.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/08/14/opinion/meyer/main568222.shtmlThis is pretty much what I've said for 3 months. Do you think Meyer's reads the DU? Another point, we need someone who is flashy, the stupider the better. It works for the repukes. You couldn't find anyone stupider than Bush. Isn't anyone listening and learning from Arnie? Intelligence isn't a quality neccessary for the President, Reagan and Bush prove that. It's some kind of arrogance and 'I'll blow a fucking hole in your head if I don't like your attitude' that's neccessary for a President. Learn from Japanese and Chinese, just copy what works.
Actually Bush has no quality to be liked. I believe he stands for something that people believe in and vote for him. I don't actually think anyone thinks Bush is intelligent.
1. Racism. Bush gets the white only votes.
2. All the radical Born Again Christians types.
3. The Defense contractor vote.
4. The energy vote.
5. The clue-less voter who watches Me The Press.