On the Milwaukee Urinal / Sentinel web site (jsonline.com) where I regularly tweak right-wingers (and hopefully arm "undecideds" with facts) I've recently been running into "Hauser's Law", which basically asserts that selectively raising taxes on the rich will be counter-productive.
The source is William Hauser, who wrote: "No matter what the tax rates have been, in postwar America tax revenues have remained at about 19.5% of GDP."
This myth has been debunked several times, perhaps most recently when tax revenues exceeded 20% under Bill Clinton. This link examines federal revenues by tax-hike vs tac-cut years and illustrates the fallacy of the "law".
http://www.angrybearblog.com/2010/11/hausers-law-is-extremely-misleading.htmlRight wing bloggers have apparently been assigned to cite this "law" with regularity, and add that "no country that over-taxed the wealthy ever survived", or some such bullshit. (I like to remind them that no country with such equal division of wealth ever survived.)
My question to DU: are you also seeing this new meme? Other trends from the RW bloggers?