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"U.S. Abandons Idea of Bigger U.N. Role in Iraq" Soldiers screwed!

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flpoljunkie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 11:46 AM
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"U.S. Abandons Idea of Bigger U.N. Role in Iraq" Soldiers screwed!
Edited on Thu Aug-14-03 11:52 AM by flpoljunkie
Did anyone doubt this would be the Bushco administration's decision? Bush/Cheney administration greed puts cronies profits first--well being of our soldiers way, way down on their list of priorities. This is a morally bankrupt position--and yet, today Bush will use Marines in San Diego as a backdrop to try to boost the morale of those he so callously sends into the chaos and death which reigns in Iraq.


WASHINGTON, Aug. 13— The Bush administration has abandoned the idea of giving the United Nations more of a role in the occupation of Iraq as sought by France, India and other countries as a condition for their participation in peacekeeping there, administration officials said today.


"The administration is not willing to confront going to the Security Council and saying, 'We really need to make Iraq an international operation,' " said an administration official. "You can make a case that it would be better to do that, but right now the situation in Iraq is not that dire." NOT THAT DIRE, YOU SAY! TELL THAT TO THE FAMILIES OF OUR SOLDIERS!


The desire for more United Nations involvement by many countries echoes the debate that preceded the war. Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and others were openly disdainful of getting United Nations authorization for the war, even after Mr. Bush had sided with Secretary of State Colin L. Powell to pursue that route.

Mr. Rumsfeld, according to administration officials, vehemently opposes any dilution of military authority over Iraq by involving the United Nations, either through United Nations peacekeepers or indirectly in any United Nations authorization of forces from other countries.


"The last thing we need is a loss of momentum over the efforts to get things under control in Iraq," said a Western diplomat involved in these discussions. "Besides, the violence in Iraq is not as bad as everyone thinks it is." Some experts say that sooner or later the United States may have to change its mind again, particularly if conditions in Iraq deteriorate drastically. United Nations officials involved in peacekeeping efforts in Afghanistan and the Balkans say that the total number of troops in Iraq may have to double before the security situation comes under control.

Edited to fix link.
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bowens43 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 11:49 AM
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1. More likely the UN
Edited on Thu Aug-14-03 11:49 AM by bowens43
told the bush administration to pound salt.
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Trajan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 11:51 AM
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2. AGAIN .. this ANTI - Internationalist fetish in this Administration ....
rears its ugly-assed John Birch head .....

What unmitigated GALL ... The PNAC Chickenhawks AGAIN place profit before blood, and TREASURE before reason ....

This bunch IS dangerous .... and amoral to a man ....
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curlyred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 12:05 PM
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3. loss of momentum? HA!
I'd like to see any amount of momentum in the effort to get things under control. Jeebus.
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jbfam4 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 12:05 PM
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4. Which diplomat said this?
The last thing we need is a loss of momentum over the efforts to get things under control in Iraq," said a Western diplomat involved in these discussions. "Besides, the violence in Iraq is not as bad as everyone thinks it is."

I think the violence is worse then we are being told.
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arcane1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 12:38 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. our UN ambassador is a former Iran-Contra goon
could be him :shrug:

someone pinch me, please...
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samsingh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-14-03 01:00 PM
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6. getting the UN involved
will save the lives of our soldiers.
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