Meat is murder? More like suicide, argues Planeat film
Eating animals and their products is bad for our health and our planet, according to a subtle new polemicCan a polemic be subtle? If so, the new documentary Planeat, is almost that rare beast.
The polemic is against eating meat. Cleverly interspersed between scenes of ornate and beautiful vegetarian food being prepared in aspirational restaurants, scientists appear to explain why they think eating animals, and their products, is a bad idea.
It's bad for your health, argues T Colin Campbell, a Cornell professor and leader of the landmark China study, which revealed the impact of meat and milk heavy diets on westerners. Whether his research on rats showing that casein turns on or off cancer when included or excluded from their food has any relevance for humans, I don't know. Campbell is supported by medical doctor Caldwell Esselstyn, who claims his vegan diet halts heart disease, though there's no mention of any control studies.
It's bad for rivers and oceans, says Gidon Eshel, at Bard College. He takes on the direct environmental impact of intensive farming, in particular the flow of nitrate pollution into rivers and the oceans. ............(more)
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