There's a phrase in the working world that drives me crazy. One guy says, "The money's not great, but I love my job." And somebody responds, "Hey, happiness is all that really matters."
To be clear, that's probably true for people at a certain level of income. If you aren't struggling to pay the bills, then happiness is indeed a pretty damn awesome extra. But you know those movies like American Beauty, about the guy with the unfulfilling career who abandons it to live life to its fullest? Yeah, don't forget that after quitting their jobs they still come home to houses that look like this:
But down here, at this level, you take what you can fucking get. Fantasies about holding out for that dream job will ruin you.
For instance, long before reading to this part, some helpful commenter has surely skipped down and chimed in with, "Why don't you just get a job, you lazy fuck!" Wait, did you think I was unemployed? Hell no, it's been years since I was out of work for any long period of time. I've always had jobs. Shitty, shitty jobs.
A huge chunk of this economy runs on shitty jobs now. Recently, McDonald's held a job fair with 50,000 openings. They got more than 1,000,000 applications. Tens of millions of you will wind up in one of these jobs, it's sheer math.
Read more: 5 Things Nobody Tells You About Being Poor | Cracked.com