Bumped off a crowded subway platform and onto the tracks, Brandon Crismon did the one thing that could save his life as a train approached — he rolled between the rails.
Just inches above his head, the No. 5 train rolled over him before the train finally screeched to a halt.
The driver had seen Crismon on the tracks as the train reached the station Wednesday morning but couldn't stop in time, police said. Ten minutes later, rescuers removed the 34-year-old Internet brokerage employee, who was cut, bruised and had a broken leg.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/08/14/national/main568286.shtmlIt's nice to see this guy had quick thinking but... I call this situation '3rd Wolrd GOP ecnomics' and '3rd World GOP Terrorism Incompetence'. Instead of wasting trillions of our tax dollars on a made up war, incompetense and waste in the Pentagon and White House... we could better spend out money. If anyone has been to HK, Singapore, Japan... many subway platforms have a glass wall with sliding (pre-doors). The pre-doors do not open until the train is stopped. It is a protection so children, elderly, no one could fall onto the platform.