— U.S. automakers rebounded in July to boost factory production by the most since the Japan crisis, but builders broke ground on fewer single-family houses, leaving home construction at depressed levels.
The mixed data suggest that the economy remains fragile but is not on the cusp of another recession.
Factory output, the biggest component of industrial production, climbed 0.6 percent. It was the greatest increase since the March 11 earthquake in Japan disrupted supply chains and slowed production at some U.S. auto plants.
The auto industry accounted for nearly all of the factory production gains. Motor vehicles and parts jumped 5.2 percent. Excluding that category, factory output grew only 0.2 percent.(more)
OF course, Sen. Shelby and other GOPers were opposed to giving loans to GM and Chrysler to prevent them from going under (even though the companies were victims of the Republican's Trickle Down Deregulation Disaser). Then we would have seen Factory output for July go up a whole .2% (of course if GM and CHrysler had not gotten the loans we would have slid into a full blown, soup lines, depression.)!
Of course the Bush tax cuts - just for the higher income brackets would have paid for the loans to GM and Chrysler many times over. But hey, those tax cuts for those 'job creators' will create so many jobs!">The $2.5 Trillion Tragedy: What America Has Given Up For 10 Years Of Bush Tax Cuts