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Noam Chomsky: Was There an Alternative? Looking Back on 9/11 a Decade Later

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 10:07 AM
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Noam Chomsky: Was There an Alternative? Looking Back on 9/11 a Decade Later

from TomDispatch:

Was There an Alternative?
Looking Back on 9/11 a Decade Later

By Noam Chomsky

We are approaching the 10th anniversary of the horrendous atrocities of September 11, 2001, which, it is commonly held, changed the world. On May 1st, the presumed mastermind of the crime, Osama bin Laden, was assassinated in Pakistan by a team of elite US commandos, Navy SEALs, after he was captured, unarmed and undefended, in Operation Geronimo.

A number of analysts have observed that although bin Laden was finally killed, he won some major successes in his war against the U.S. "He repeatedly asserted that the only way to drive the U.S. from the Muslim world and defeat its satraps was by drawing Americans into a series of small but expensive wars that would ultimately bankrupt them," Eric Margolis writes. "'Bleeding the U.S.,' in his words." The United States, first under George W. Bush and then Barack Obama, rushed right into bin Laden’s trap... Grotesquely overblown military outlays and debt addiction... may be the most pernicious legacy of the man who thought he could defeat the United States” -- particularly when the debt is being cynically exploited by the far right, with the collusion of the Democrat establishment, to undermine what remains of social programs, public education, unions, and, in general, remaining barriers to corporate tyranny.

That Washington was bent on fulfilling bin Laden’s fervent wishes was evident at once. As discussed in my book 9-11, written shortly after those attacks occurred, anyone with knowledge of the region could recognize “that a massive assault on a Muslim population would be the answer to the prayers of bin Laden and his associates, and would lead the U.S. and its allies into a ‘diabolical trap,’ as the French foreign minister put it.”

The senior CIA analyst responsible for tracking Osama bin Laden from 1996, Michael Scheuer, wrote shortly after that “bin Laden has been precise in telling America the reasons he is waging war on us. is out to drastically alter U.S. and Western policies toward the Islamic world,” and largely succeeded: “U.S. forces and policies are completing the radicalization of the Islamic world, something Osama bin Laden has been trying to do with substantial but incomplete success since the early 1990s. As a result, I think it is fair to conclude that the United States of America remains bin Laden’s only indispensable ally.” And arguably remains so, even after his death. ..............(more)

The complete piece is at: (story follows a brief intro)

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phantom power Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 10:27 AM
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1. Yeah, we squandered lives and resources and money, but at least we're also less free.
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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 11:23 AM
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2. where are the centrists to call Chomsky an extremist crank?
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Overseas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-11 01:40 PM
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3. K&R.
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