“We have better morals”
That’s what Republican voters say every election year as their slogan. They pull out their Bible, quote a few scriptures as to why it’s not “morally right” to have an abortion, then they go vote for the GOP candidate that goes to church every Sunday morning. Foreign policy, economics, and education never seem to cross their mind when they vote. Just because a Republican is said to have “morals”, they put them in office every time.
Now we are finally starting to see what those “morals” are. In Michigan, the Republican governor Rick Snyder has signed into law the strictest limit on welfare ever. The new law will reduce the number of children and adults receiving cash assistance by nearly a fifth, from more than 221,000 to around 180,000. Thousands of citizens will not have any money assistance by October 1st, making many sink lower into poverty. But wait…. what did Snyder say during the campaign of 2010? He said that reducing the number of children living in poverty is a priority of his administration. Yet, he doesn’t want the poor to have the assisatance needed to survive?! Now that’s not very “moral” is it?
Time and after time we’ve heard Republicans play the “moral” card and how they look after us “every day people”. However, the facts do not match up with their misleading rhetoric. They rail against abortion saying that they are the ones sticking up for family values, that they are the “pro-life” group. Yet, when the children are finally born they reverse their beliefs and claim that it costs too much to have safety nets! Not very ”pro-life” is it? Governor Snyder’s policy has just proven that the Republicans aren’t that “moral” after all. I guess the new slogan for the GOP could be “Against Abortion: But Screw It.”