If you were looking for the President to devise an intelligent plan to create immediate jobs and deliver it with coherent, powerful rhetoric and a dogged defense of liberal ideals, Obama hit a home run. The oration of his Sept. 8 Joint Session on jobs creation was on point. The urgent message to Congress was clear and repetitive – and it wasn’t so much a request as an expertly articulated demand:
"Pass. This. Jobs. Bill… You should pass this jobs plan right away… For everyone who speaks so passionately about making life easier for jobs creators, this plan’s for you…This plan is the right thing to do right now. You should pass it. And I intend to take that message to every corner of this country."
Obama’s plan is the American Jobs Act, a patchwork of previous Republican and Democratic proposals that have been carefully selected for maximum immediate impact on job creation and economic relief.
Get the highlights of the plan, more quotes, and the full video of the speech at the original link on the Liberal Lamp Post website: