That's the meme I'm going with now.
It arose in response to commenting on a post by a friend at *cough* Fox News' site. Sally Kohn is awesome, I highly recommend following her. Here's her latest article:
America needs jobs. Sometimes when we focus on unemployment data or economic policies, we forget that jobs are about more than stock market signals or political platforms. Jobs are about putting food on your family’s table, sending your kids to school with clothes on their backs, saving up for retirement and having a little left in your pocket to spend. A job is more than just a line on some company’s balance sheet or a turn of phrase in a politician’s speech. A job is what sustains your family and our entire economy.
In an ideal market economy, private businesses create jobs. But we have never lived in an ideal market economy and certainly aren’t in one today. For several decades now, a government controlled by special interests has put its thumb on the scale, giving political favors and billion dollar subsidies to big business while stifling entrepreneurship and small business in America. The result has been an unnatural economy in which worker productivity consistently goes up, corporate profits and CEO bonuses go up too, but the wages for most Americans stagnate or decline.
Those who accuse our government under President Obama of picking winners and losers in the marketplace only have part of the story right. In fact, for generations now we’ve essentially structured our economy so that oil companies and Wall Street win while millions of hardworking Americans lose. Government is not the problem, but it helped create this corrupt economy -- and can fix it.
Even the great free market icon Adam Smith advocated the role of government in the “defense of the rich against the poor.”
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