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Like Clockwork, Right-Wing Media Cry Voter Fraud In Advance Of NY Election (Weiner's seat)

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alp227 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 12:38 AM
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Like Clockwork, Right-Wing Media Cry Voter Fraud In Advance Of NY Election (Weiner's seat)
In advance of a special election in New York's Ninth Congressional District, Fox News and National Review Online are raising the specter of voter fraud in case a Democrat wins the seat. In fact, the evidence they are citing has been debunked, and right-wing media regularly cry voter fraud when elections are close.

Fox, National Review Use Decades-Old Grand Jury Probe To Raise Specter Of Voter Fraud

National Review Online: "Watch Out For Voter Fraud In The New York Ninth." In a post on National Review Online's The Corner blog headlined "Watch Out for Voter Fraud in the New York Ninth," conservative blogger Hans von Spakovsky cited a 1984 New York grand jury report to suggest that Democrats may try to steal a special election in New York's Ninth Congressional District scheduled for September 13:

A source within the Turner camp tells me the campaign sent a letter and campaign literature to all the voters on the permanent list maintained by the Board of Elections who are automatically mailed absentee ballots. They have received hundreds of pieces of returned mail marked "address unknown" or "return to sender" and at least five marked "deceased." They were contacted by another voter who received an absentee ballot he had not even requested.

As I described in a Heritage case study, Kings County was a hub of organized voter fraud that cast thousands of fraudulent ballots in elections. In 1984, former Democratic Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman, who had become the Brooklyn district attorney, released a state grand jury report that detailed a successful 14-year conspiracy to steal election. The grand jury found evidence of fraud by Democrats in "two primary elections for Congress held in 1976 and 1982, four primary elections for the Assembly in three different assembly districts, three primary elections for the State Senate in one senatorial district and two elections for state committee in two different districts."


Hannity Panel Gins Up Fear That Democrats May "Steal Election To Win It." During a panel discussion on the September 12 edition of Fox News' Hannity conservative commentator John Fund also brought up the 1984 grand jury report and co-panelist Andrea Tantaros opined that Democrats might "steal" the election:

SEAN HANNITY (host): You sent me an e-mail today, and it was a link to the -- to National Review and The Corner about -- and you've talked about, written extensively about voter fraud. You're concerned in this district because it has a long history of voter fraud.

FUND: A Democratic district attorney, Elizabeth Holtzman, in the 1980s uncovered an amazing voter fraud scandal in that state involving absentee votes and also the bureaucracy.

HANNITY: But this was in the late 70s, early 80s.

FUND: Yes, but I'm simply saying right now you have a lot of permanent absentee voters whose returns are coming back, addresses are bad, people are registered in vacant lots.

HANNITY: Dead people.

FUND: At least a few people have gotten absentee ballots that they never requested. Absentee ballots are the preferred way of fraud. And I think we just have to keep an eye on this, given the history of this district.

TANTAROS: Which is still bad news because that means that Democrats literally have to steal any election to win it. So is that their strategy for 2012? Just steal the election, funnel a bunch of money to ACORN under a different name.

Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Actually Very Rare

Justice Department Report Shows Very Few Prosecutions For Illegally Casting Ballots. According to a report by the Public Integrity Section of the Justice Department, from October 2002 through September 2005, the Justice Department charged 95 people with "election fraud" and convicted 55. Among those, however, just 17 individuals were convicted for casting fraudulent ballots; cases against three other individuals accused of casting fraudulent votes were pending at the time of the report. In addition, the Justice Department convicted one election official of submitting fraudulent ballots and convicted five individuals of registration fraud, with cases against 12 individuals pending at the time of the report. Thirty-two individuals were convicted of other "election fraud" issues, including Republicans convicted of offenses arising from "a scheme to block the phone lines used by two Manchester organizations to arrange drives to the polls during the 2002 general election." In other words, many of these convictions were connected to voter suppression efforts, not voter fraud. Several other people listed in the report were convicted of vote-buying.

full report and links to sources and video:
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emilyg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 12:43 AM
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1. If a Repub. wins - we'll do the same.
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Politicalboi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 03:38 AM
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3. Yes, but
We will concede before the night is over. It's the polite thing to do. LOL!
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Broderick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 12:46 AM
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2. This seat will remain democrat.
The polls tried to deflate people but it has angered them.
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saras Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 04:01 AM
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4. Projection?
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PatrynXX Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 04:53 AM
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5. Election fraud already happened
in WI....

Only know a few people out of millions that have been convicted of voter fraud and Ann Coulter is one of those. o_O oops voted in two states wasn't it or she voted somewhere where she shouldn't have.
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