Let me just say it outright: I still love Obama. Still believe him to be the most articulate, thoughtful, integrity rich president in my lifetime, still prouder'n'a bucket of kerosene at Burning Man whenever he stands at the podium at just about any international affair and, you know, represents. Shhh, it's OK. You know you feel the same way, too.
Despite all the beat-downs of late, the man still has mojo galore. The jobs speech alone reminded anyone within earshot that Obama knows his impassioned rhetoric, can still rally and inspire and hey gosh really might not be messing around after all. Bin Laden? Gaddafi? Women's rights? DODT? Iraq drawdown? New START? Haiti quake relief? The Cairo speech? Nobody better, baby.
But oh smack me with the stick of gnarled reality, the disgusting debt deal. The nasty thing with the EPA air quality regulations and (probably, sadly) the hideous Keystone XL pipeline. The appalling compromises at every turn; bloated cronies in Wall Street, failed bank reform, feeble environmental and education policy, innumerable humiliations and roadblocks when facing down a hateful and spittle-flecked GOP.
Bottom line: Despite all his power and formidable intelligence, Obama seems to have no real capacity to deal with, you know, morons.
And it's largely his own fault. The president, I believe, still wants history to tag him as the peacemaker, the grand unifier, the great Middle Way. Despite all gruesome evidence to the contrary -- not to mention his own toxic poll numbers -- he still seems to think he can bridge the violent disparities in Congress, reach consensus, simultaneously serve as the lighthouse to the Dem's lost ship and the truckload of Zoloft to the GOP's unchecked madness.