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Book Revue: LA Times, "Sara Palin Vs Joe McGinniss: cocaine, infidelity and anonymity"

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Stuart G Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-16-11 07:33 AM
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Book Revue: LA Times, "Sara Palin Vs Joe McGinniss: cocaine, infidelity and anonymity"
Edited on Fri Sep-16-11 07:45 AM by Stuart G,0,3591447.story

quote from review:

There's a not-so-subtle agenda underpinning Joe McGinniss' "The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin," although it's never made explicit until late in the book. "The time has come to strike the tent," McGinniss begins the closing chapter. "o matter how much my book sales might benefit from a Palin presidential campaign in 2012, I sincerely hope that the whole extravaganza, which has been unblushingly underwritten by a mainstream media willing to gamble the nation's future in exchange for the cheap thrill of watching a clown in high heels on a flying trapeze, is nearing the end of its run."

If you're a Palin supporter, this will only give you ammunition to dismiss "The Rogue" as one more piece of liberal propaganda, yet another "lamestream media" smear campaign. If you agree with McGinniss, you may wonder why it took so long to get to the point.

Either way, the statement offers an unintended glimpse of the difficulties inherent in the project — both because it risks undermining what appear to be damning revelations about Palin and her husband Todd, and also because of what it suggests about the futility of trying to outguess a public figure as mercurial, or unfocused, as the former Alaska governor. When McGinniss wrote those lines earlier this year, Palin was still considered a likely candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination; now, her moment may have passed. This is the problem with instant history, that events have a way of outstripping us, that it's hard to tell a story before it ends

further down..

"This is a far more troubling allegation, suggesting that Palin's "hockey mom" image is the most stage-managed sort of lie. "Friends recall," McGinniss observes, "that when Todd was working on the North Slope, the children literally would have a hard time finding enough to eat. 'Those kids had to fend for themselves,' one says. 'I'd walk into that kitchen and Bristol and Willow would be sitting there with a burnt pot of Kraft mac and cheese on the stove … and Sarah would be up in her bedroom with the door closed saying she didn't want to be disturbed.'"______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Hit link above, and you can read what this controversy is all about.
Especially how Sara is a hypocrite beyond belief.
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Raschel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-16-11 08:58 AM
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1. If your thing is gone and you wanna ride on cocaine
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starroute Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-16-11 10:10 AM
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2. The fading of her presidential hopes doesn't make the book irrelevant
One of the real concerns about Palin has been not the always-unlikely scenario of a 2012 presidential bid but the possibility that she could become the leader of an extreme right-wing popular movement.

I think there's a good chance such a movement will arise out of the Tea Party next year. It's especially likely if the GOP pulls back from the brink enough to nominate Romney, which is likely to lead to a third party campaign. But an unsuccessful Rick Perry candidacy could have the same effect, only a bit more slowly.

The tarnishing of Palin's star doesn't remove the potential for such a movement, but it does deprive it of one possible charismatic leader.

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