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Rick Perry, Death, and Hypocrisy

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texshelters Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-16-11 01:39 PM
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Rick Perry, Death, and Hypocrisy

Rick Perry, Death, and Hypocrisy

In 1989, Rick Perry gets the fateful call of duty. Perry picks up the phone as the clock strikes midnight.

Perry: Hello?

Death: Rick.

Perry: Who is this?

Death: Death

Perry: Come on, who is this, Larry? Larry from A&M?

Death: It’s death.

Perry: (mocking) Okay Larry…death, what do ya want?

Death: You looked hot in that Hitler uniform in college. Reminds me of the good old days back in Germany…

(Perry as Hitler and Cheer leader photo here: From


Death:  You show real potential, but your going to have to leave the Democratic party to realize it. Remember when you killed those ants with the magnifying glass. I could sense the real joy you felt in your heart giving those ants what they deserve. And that time at the funeral of House Speaker Sam Rayburn of your home state, you so wanted the power over life and death.  Life and death is my area of expertise, but you felt that yearning.

Perry: Yes.

Death: I want to help you realize your full potential. I want to put you in the Governor’s mansion in Texas to ensure those on death row die.

Perry: (Excited, like he watching ants die) Yes. <snip> And if I change to Republican, you can help me get in the Governors Mansion?

Death: I would kill to have someone like you running Texas, ha ha, in fact I will kill. And if you heed my words, perhaps even the White House is in the offing.

Forward to February 13 to February 14, 2004. Perry is up late reading an evidence report. The curtains in his den billow out, and Perry sees a ghostly shape he hasn’t seen since his successful election for Governor. Death appears to Perry.

Death: Hello Rick. You know what to do with the evidence exonerating Cameron Todd Willingham, correct?  Besides, what do scientists know about fire that I don’t know. Accidental or not, he still started that fire, and…(waiting for Perry to finish his sentence)

Perry: …he deserves to die. (on his knees) Yes my lord. I must ignore the evidence, ignore science, ignore the capital punishment statute, and have faith in you. But how do you know the fire wasn’t intentional?

Death: (in a threatening tone) I WAS THERE. Remember, I am death.

Perry: But you want me to kill Willingham anyway?

Death: Yes, death always wants death, as should you. Besides it’s his time. God told me (chuckles to himself).

Perry: And then you’ll let me be President.

Death: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I already have the deal with Bush in place. So, are you a man of science, or a man of faith. Be careful how you answer.

Perry: My faith in you got me elected to office…

<snip> <snip>

At the Republican Debate at Reagan Library, Rick Perry stood up for death. When asked about all the people he allowed to be executed by the state of Texas,“In the state of Texas, our citizens have made that decision…and they don’t want you to commit those crimes against our citizens, and if you do, you will face the ultimate justice.”

After the debate, Governor Perry tweets death: “Thanks for the hand out there, oh lord.”

Death tweets back: “Any time my son.”

Less than a week later at the Tampa Tea Party debate, death whispers into Ron Paul's ear, "we can't help everyone, that's the risk people take when they don't buy healthcare..."

More Rick Perry’s Death and Hypocrisy.

Rick Perry’s George Bush Moment

Perry’s Death Penalty Cover-up

“The first word spoken from the moon was ‘Houston’”

Perry has taken federal disaster aid 13 times, more than any other state

Worker deaths, poor living conditions in Perry’s Texas

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Texas ties with Mississippi for the highest percentage of workers in minimum wage jobs.

Uneven growth throughout Texas

Read the full post at:


Tex Shelters
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jwirr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-16-11 02:51 PM
Response to Original message
1. Are you sure that is a Hitler uniform? But the most important thing
in this article? - Like gwb he was a CHEERLEADER.
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texshelters Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-16-11 03:08 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. If you look at a photo of Hitler
in his uniform, it's looks almost exactly the same as what Perry is wearing.

And yes, he was a cheerleader, which we might expect from Jerry Brown, but not Macho Man Perry.

Tex Shelters
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