(good read)
http://www.smirkingchimp.com/print.php?sid=12653Michael Jansen: 'The occupation is a shambles'
Date: Saturday, August 16 @ 10:07:53 EDT
Topic: Occupied Iraq
By Michael Jansen, Al Jazeerah
THE ONLY public facility that works well in Baghdad is the zoo. A few days ago I paid a visit to the zoo, located in a vast dusty park on the main road to the Mansour diplomatic quarter, and was taken round by Ahmad Abdel Razzak, a gentle keeper who has worked there for 13 years.
The occupation is a shambles. The self-proclaimed "Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)" is not a coalition effort, provisional or an authority. The US dominates, its allies -- Britain, Italy, Japan, etc. -- go along. Instead of being a short-term stopgap set-up the "CPA" is likely to be a long-term occupation "administration," mainly because it cannot get its act together. The "CPA" has no authority outside the vast Jumhurriya Palace compound where it has established its headquarters.
The "vertical" planning which characterised the Bush administration's handling of prewar preparations for postwar Iraq has resulted in anarchy. US officials and consultants appointed to run shadow ministries do not coordinate and cooperate with one another. In some cases, they compete and even undermine each other.