I've been advocating the elimination and destruction of the abusive, murderous republican party since I came out of diapers in the early sixties. Up until 2008, we had no reasonable chance at doing so. But with the ascension of progressive politics and the election of Barack Obama, coupled with a virtual-Super Majority in the Senate and a significant majority in the House, and aided by a then-relatively progressive-friendly mainstream media, we had the best opportunity to solidify our progressive wave into the vernacular of US society, with the ensuing global implications that would have been significant, perhaps permanent.
But we let our guard down, and failed to take advantage of circumstances heretofore never availabe to progressives. Instead, we let the argument get sidetracked by the venomous republican bastards, and we took our EYE OFF THE BALL, which is entrenched progressive policies and intitiatives. To this end, the Tea Party came alive and is now threatening to dismantle our achievements and permanently segregate our movement into the irrelevant abyss of history.
When President Obama was elected, I outlined several things that we needed to do on an IMMEDIATE basis as a progressive presence. While many of our agenda items became implemented, our so-called democratic members flinched so much that our policies were significantly watered down. Yes, we got historic legislation passed, legislation is only half the battle. We needed not just to pass it, but to ensure it STAYED passed by making sure our progressive legislators kept their constituents on point. Obviously, ensuring the populace is aware of why we are doing the legislation is important.
Alas, we dropped the ball and let the repukes try to manipulate the jobs issue. Their policies started everything, and now they are trying to put the onus of the tragic results of their policies on the Democrats, particularly President Obama. Unfortunately, we've been lackadaisical in getting our message across with regard to our own progressive agenda. Part of it is understandable, using the cornered varmint analogy. But one key element had been neglected.
In my opinion, the most significant lack of achievement has been the missed opportunity in selecting federal judges. Notably, we had over forty vacancies that could have been filled while we had that significant congressional advantage. I have stated that we should have filled those spots IMMEDIATELY. And fill them not just with judges who, in the past, have ruled in a progressive, constitutional manner, but even more: with YOUNG progressive legal professionals who didn't necessarily have to have had actual judicial experience, but with a brilliant mindset toward social and economic justice. In short, we could have put in over 40 federal-level judgeships with 25-35 year old progressive-minded legal scholars, cementing the 3rd Branch of Government for at LEAST half a century.
And yes, I blame myself to a certain degree. I could have hammered the administration more forcibly with my recommendations. I should have peppered each presidential aide on a daily, if not weekly basis to hammer this point home. In short, having a judicial lock on progressive-minded judgments would have been the most significant legacy of Obama's presidency, which would have given the US Constitution the BEST chance to succeed against the capitalist, ruinous goals of the fascist right ring armada.
Imagine 40 of our brightest progressive minds at various federal levels from 2010 to 2060. We HAD THAT CHANCE. No matter WHAT any political winds blow in the executive and legislative branches, we would have had the ability to make policy through progressive judicial fiat.
And to me, this is probably our biggest loss of all. No matter how the 2012 election season plays out, and no matter how much we can fight against the legal ability of the republican party to participate in the American political process, this lack of controlling the most important branch of government, the judicial branch, will most likely forever be out of our reach.
Unless we can invalidate the republican financial apparatus.
I rest my case.