The GOP is attempting to pull off their biggest circle jerk of the year. They think they have the smoking gun with the purported direct involvement of illegal corporate cronyism by accusing the the Obama Administration with financial shenanigans manipulating the Green solar power company, Solyndra. In fact, this event has been PURPOSELY ORCHESTRATED by none other than Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, using their crony capitalist cohorts to mastermind the entire fiasco strictly to make the Obama Administration look guilty for financial malfeasance.
In 2008, Solyndra was a BUSH administration program to start with. Keep in mind that Bush and Cheney were having problems trying to defend their rapacious good ol' boy oil policies, where they got their cohorts billions of dollars of profits. So they ostensibly looked at Green companies like Solyndra to try to say "Hey, us republican bastards can do Green Energy TOO!," knowing full well they were gonna diss the program when they had a chance. But when they knew Obama was going to win, they (Bush and Cheney) manipulated the finances so that Solyndra thought they were a viable company, using the 1703 process of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Ironically, Solyndra never had a chance with the Bush Administration, but their executives were conditioned to try to cozy up to the Bush/Cheney/Big Oil. Cheney recognized this, and used his financial demons at Halliburton to dummy up the financials, knowing full well that Obama was going to go full throttle for needed Green Energy initiatives. Bush and Cheney KNEW that with their fake data, the Obama administration would look favorably with Solyndra, enough to push the loan through. The number of meetings that Solyndra initially met with the administration was done because Solyndra was presenting data that the BUSH administration had given them. So basically what happened was this:
1. Bush/Cheney/Rove met with the republican leadership along with the oil cartel to create a plan that would camouflage the financial processes of government involvement from company executives, diverting resources from needed technology improvements to meeting the standards set by Bush Administration energy zombies. This was done knowing that the Bush administration had NEVER INTENDED to ok Solyndra, and was setting them up for a fall.
2. At the same time, the Bush Administration knew that the GOP could lose the presidency to Obama, based upon the fact they could not dummy up the vote process this time around. So they played with the figures to give to the transition team, so that when Obama was inaugurated and they pursued green companies, they saw that Solyndra was one company that would be the cornerstone of the energy policy.
3. So basically, the Bush Administration lied to Solyndra about their financials, and they ALSO lied to Obama about the financial condition about Solyndra.
Ironically, had Solyndra not been contacted for a setup by the Bush administration, they undoubtedly would have actually developed their product so they would have, without question, been feasible as a green energy product. In short, this was a deviously brilliant setup by the GOP, and it will be hard to prove their involvement.
But there are so many smoking guns pointing to the previous illegal regime's involvement that it SHOULD be an easy cakewalk for AG Eric Holder to connect the oil-smeared dots. Though the GOP tried their damnedest to deflect the blame from their operatives to that of the Obama administration, there have been too many factors surfacing that the GOP failed to consider. While the mainstream media has heretofore been relatively silent, this is due to the fact that they also know that the Obama administration could not have been involved in something of this nature, and they wisely kept the press accounts to a minimum to allow Holder to identify the telltale marks of Cheney and Rove.
MAKE NO MISTAKE... Bush, Cheney, Rove, and the entire republican/military/industrial/oil cartel complex are 100% responsible for this mess. Eric Holder should be able to ferret out this quagmire, but until it happens, the GOP is going to try to make a big stink about this. We must be ready to defend our progressive beliefs, which is the REAL target of this nefarious plot.">Stephen Lacey at ThinkProgress has more details, but this should provide everyone here with enough talking points to blow ANY republican scumsucker freak out of the water. Pure and simple.