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(Haiku) "It’s safe, but" / They say over and over / that’s worrisome

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kristopher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-26-11 11:46 AM
Original message
(Haiku) "It’s safe, but" / They say over and over / that’s worrisome
Edited on Mon Sep-26-11 11:47 AM by kristopher
The subsections are 3-4 paragraphs each.

The Lessons of Fukushima (full length)
by Roger Johnson

The nuclear disaster at Fukushima caused a reexamination of attitudes about nuclear power all over the world. Two weeks after the meltdown, 100,000 protestors took to the streets in Berlin to demand an end to nuclear power. In a major election soon after, opposition to nuclear power helped the environmental Green Party defeat Angela Merkel’s conservative party. This caused a sea change in German politics and months later Germany decided to phase out all nuclear power....

The Lessons of Nuclear Disasters...

Is Nuclear Power Clean and Green?...

Investor Profitability...

How to Advance Your Political Career

Just who promotes nuclear power? The promotion often comes from politicians who advanced their career by cozying up to the nuclear power industry. Remember back in 1973 when President Nixon called for the United States to build 1,000 nuclear reactors? Eyes lit up, and soon there were many champions of nuclear causes. A good example is former Republican Sen. Pete Domenici of New Mexico. In 1997, Domenici was shopping around for an issue to promote his faltering political career. Pete Lyons, a former scientist from Los Alamos National Lab, which designed and built the atomic bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, recommended that he latch onto nuclear power. Domenici soon became one of the driving forces dedicated to advancing behind nuclear power and Lyons became an adviser. In return, Domenici received $1.25 million in campaign contributions from the nuclear industry. Lyons also able to advance his career and went on to serve on the board of the NRC. Another Domenici aide, Alex Flint, advanced his career by becoming the chief federal lobbyist for the NEI....

Reactor Safety...

Does Distance Make you Safe?...

Fuel Fleas and Hot Particles...

Cherry Picking Earthquakes...

Falsifying Safety Records...

The Dirty Little Secret...

Human Error...

Probabilistic Risk Assessment...

Nuclear Terrorism...

The Truth about Emergency Evacuation Plans...

Military Nuclear Accidents...

Radioactive Fallout and More Lies to the Public...

The Human Radiation Experiments...

"The writer served on the faculty of Amherst College, Tufts University and Ramapo College and is now professor emeritus residing in San Clemente."
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-26-11 12:05 PM
Response to Original message
1. If it was really safe, what has occurred would not have occurred. nt
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