I simply don't care the slightest most trivial bit about the opinions of anyone here who thinks "we" did the right thing because al-Awlaki was a bad guy.
For the simple reason that no one here has, or is ever going have, the power to decide who's a bad guy. We don't get to decide who's a bad guy. Someone else does. In our recent past, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et. al. would have had that power.
At this point, our likely options are that Obama, Romney, Cain, Pawlenty, Bachmann, et. al. will.
None of them can, or should, be trusted with it.
There are other, better, fairer, more trustworthy methods of dealing with people like al-Awlaki. To the extent that America gets to claim any moral leadership in the world at all, this is a good place to start.
Some people just have the hardest time letting go of exceptionalism. They can't get that any rationale that we use to attack others with, others will use to attack us with, with potentially the same degree of success.
To want us to be shooting people down without public trial based on our judgement of being warred on, is to want that every other country in the world take the same liberty.