"Who would be responsible if the super committee fails to reach agreement over the next week?
42% say they would blame the Republicans in Congress, with 32% blaming the Democrats, and another one in five volunteering that they would hold both parties equally responsible.
This is not the first time a plurality would blame the GOP for congressional inaction," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. "In March, 46% said they would hold the Republicans responsible if the government shut down. And in July, 51% said they would blame the GOP more than President Obama if the debt ceiling were not raised.
And what about those all important independent voters, who will be crucial to the outcome of next year's presidential and congressional elections? The survey indicates that by a 40% to 24% margin, independents would blame the Republicans more than the Democrats, with a quarter saying they would blame both parties."
Boner and the Turtle are doing a heck of a job destroying their own party.