... Even if it could get around treaty provisions and challenges in the German courts, making the European Central Bank a lender of last resort or a backstop for the bloc's bailout fund still seems to be a gamble Germany is reluctant to take. Germany is the biggest contributor to the ECB's capital and the Bundesbank the biggest of a network of central banks which conduct most of its business. If Italian and Spanish bonds were written down in the way Greek ones were (the ECB already holds 20% of Greek, Portuguese and Irish debt), German taxpayers could have to recapitalise the bank. The implicit promise made to Germany when it abandoned its currency was that the new bank would never be used to bail out overindebted nations. Mr Cameron's resistance to a tax which targets investment banking, one of the few British industries left standing (85% of the yield would come from the City of London), is just as instinctive. Which British leader – let alone one who heads a eurosceptic party – would risk headlines like "Cameron sacrifices City to save Greece".
And yet without a resolution to this crisis, the contagion of panic will merely spread higher up the food chain. Take Spain's position. It has already taken the austerity pill: civil service pay has been cut, the age of retirement has risen. It was on course to meet its deficit target. And then the markets struck again, pushing the price of 10-year bonds to 6.97%. While Spain has a lower debt to GDP ratio than the eurozone average, its banks are still full of toxic assets – the loans to builders and developers in Spain's broken property boom, whose projects are now being written down. 700,000 new homes remain unsold. The economy has probably already slipped back into recession, so Spain is now trapped in a downward spiral of private debt, austerity, high unemployment and threats to banking solvency...
... Time is running out. Europe's leaders can not defer the solution indefinitely. Beijing will not bail them out, nor will the IMF. However it is formed, the euro is likely to need a fiscal fund, or something that functions very much like one. You cannot have a single currency without a treasury, or a fully empowered central bank behind it. Ms Merkel's policy of doing just enough, just in time, is looking unfit for purpose. This is no longer a debt crisis, restricted to Europe's southern periphery, but an economic crisis affecting the whole of Europe. Britain must do more to hasten the solution than yell incoherent encouragement from the terraces. If European banks stop lending to each other, as looks likely, the City will find itself caught in a second credit crunch...
http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/nov/18/euro-crisis-editorialOf course, the line "Cameron sacrifices City to save Greece" could read "Cameron cleans up City and contributes to EU stability." It all depends on the way the Media spins it, because thus do most of the politicos' voters (unthinkingly) think.