We finally have their attention.
Sort of.
The media, the mouthpieces, the pundits, the pols... all commenting on, demanding of, speculating about, what the Occupy Movement (or the 99% Movement, or just the Movement)
means. What are the implications. What will it do to the next election cycle? What will it do to the willingness of pols to regulate, or the implications for law enforcement, or censorship on the 'net, or...
...whatever their personal interests are.
Well, that's legit, to a point. All of the world's Great Events get parsed down to "What does this mean for
me? For my family? My work?" sooner or later, and that parsing is a legitimate function of those who appoint themselves, or get paid to be, media-based observers and reporters of the human condition.
But they're missing something. Maybe it's written in letters too big for them to see.