-- When the House Energy and Commerce Committee met in October to decide what Solyndra-related documents to subpoena from the White House, the panel's lead staffer, Gary Andres, as ever, was in the closed-door meeting.
Just three years earlier, Andres was on the opposite side. In 2008, he was a top lobbyist with Dutko Worldwide, which was paid $50,000 to craft Solyndra's loan guarantee application to the Bush White House, according to lobbying records.The energy panel has relentlessly pursued the Obama administration's handling of the loan guarantee to the solar panel company, which went bankrupt despite a $528 million loan. Energy Secretary Steven Chu testified before an Energy and Commerce subcommittee earlier this month at the request of Republicans.
Earlier this month, over the objection's of committee Democrats, the panel took the remarkable and unprecedented step of subpoenaing internal White House emails related to the Solyndra loan.