It is as you pointed out the code word for LET BUSINESS REIGN AND THE ppl/suckers beware. After all, ppl were unemployed because they were lazy, children are hungry because their parents are irresponsible, families are homeless because the american people are ill educated and unprepared to meet the challenges of the new century and certainly there are plenty of folk who just shouldn't be allowed to vote because they are ignorant. The GOP has bastardized the word FREEDOM and its new meaning is OPPRESSION of people, suppression of the VOTE and repression of DEMOCRACY. After all, the GOP goal has not just been to defeat OBAMA. Their unequivocal objective as seen in FL, OH, MI, and WI is to create a new NATION, a TPARTY NATION based on ONE PARTY RULE,which wld advance corporate interests worldwide,on the backs of working americans. (That is how the plantation survived, they took their goods to market on the backs of slaves and share croppers.) Then of course, they would privatize govt services to deplete the american treasury and not being satisfied to rob, steal, and cheat the american people, the TPARTY NATIONALISTS will get rid of all those pesky COMMON GOOD ASSETS which are too expensive to maintain in the public sector. the TPARTY NATION would be based on SOCIAL DARWINISM back from the middle ages, and would not have to be burdened with such items as SS or Medicare. It is SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, and if you are not RICH, tough. The new christianity based on GOP ideologies will blend right in aiding the TPARTY NATIONALISTs in selecting the WORTHIES.