The mainstream German magazine Spiegel calls the GOP 'a Club of Liars, Demagogues and Ignoramuses'
by Democrats Ramshield
As an American expat living in the European Union people routinely ask me are American voters incapable of resisting being distracted from the serious issues facing Americans by ever greater bounce of fatuous GOP freak show political humor? This seriously frightens Europeans. The truth is that while a good fatuous belly laugh may have its place in the American body politic, there is a real danger when a major political party (the GOP) caters permanently to the lowest common denominator of the most fatuous and the stupid, which supplants serious political discourse.
................Welcome to the GOP "FREAKSHOW"..............
(Spiegel quote)The Republicans' Farcical Candidates
A Club of Liars, Demagogues and Ignoramuses
The US Republican race is dominated by ignorance, lies and scandals. The current crop of candidates have shown such a basic lack of knowledge that they make George W. Bush look like Einstein. The Grand Old Party is ruining the entire country's reputation.
As an American expat living in the European Union I've come to rely on the mainstream media within the European Union in order to receive impartial information and objective reporting on the United States in terms of economic and political investigative reporting, which is unavailable measurably in the US plutocrat owned media, which refuses to bite the hand that feeds it.
(To read my full Daily Kos diary, please click on the link below. Thanks.),-Demagogues-and-Ignoramuses